The vendors you use for your business are extremely important, but they aren’t so important that working with them should actually hurt your business. If you consider how much time the average vendor takes up, and multiply that by the number of vendors you have, you are likely spending a lot of time and money just dealing with these sometimes impossible relationships. In today’s blog, we will tell you how to get out from under time-consuming vendor relationships.
How well-maintained are your business’ critical IT solutions? Before you answer, you should know that we’re referring to more than just running the occasional virus scan or update - we’re talking about keeping up on the status of your entire infrastructure. To really do so, we put an assortment of tools and services to use to keep up comprehensive records.
Especially with so many people claiming to be tech-savvy, asking a question about IT can be a bit nerve wracking. Because of this hesitation, there are a lot of people who don’t ask questions about technology because they feel like their questions might be stupid. For example, having an updated operating system is a term that is tossed around a lot by IT professionals, and even some not-so-professionals.